4th Annual East African Health and Scientific Conference, International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair, Kigali - Rwanda

The Ministry of Health through Rwanda Biomedical Center and East African Community Secretariat convened the 4th Annual East African Health and Scientific Conference, International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair from 27th to 29th March 2013 at Kigali, Serena Hotel. This conference was convened in fulfilment of the resolutions of the EAC recommendations and other relevant treaty provisions on the establishment of the EAC (Article 118) with regard to regional cooperation and integration in the health sector and the resolutions of the 12th Ordinary Session of the EAC Council of Ministers in the year 2006. A national steering committee and an EAC Regional Steering Committee were established and operationalized to support the preparations and implementation of this annual health and scientific conference.

Main theme: “Regional Health Priorities and Opportunities: Evidence for Action in the Changing Global Financial Situation”.

Sub-themes: This conference focused on 4 sub-themes;

i) Maternal and Child Health (Achieving MDGs for Maternal and Child Health).

ii) Non-Communicable Diseases and Trauma.

iii) Health Systems Strengthening.

iv) Quality of Health Care.

Symposia: Five symposia under the following topics were also conducted during the conference;

i) Population, Health and Environment Symposium, HIV & AIDS, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Symposium Integrated Disease Surveillance and Disaster Preparedness + 1st East African Epidemiological.

ii) Environment and Health in Africa Tobacco Control Symposium: Public Health and Socioeconomic Dimensions & Non-Communicable Diseases.